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Andrew Pryor

Hailing from South Australia, Aussie rules fan Andrew has worked for many of the country’s opera companies yet is just as comfortable rocking out to Elvis or Barry Gibb. His love of music began in his teenage years when he auditioned for South Pacific and noticed the girls outnumbered the boys two to one (he liked those odds). He met David studying at the Conservatorium in Brisbane where they both joined Australian superstar group, The Ten Tenors. He is also a trained nurse and grandfather of five (at latest count).


David Kidd

Originally a trained actor, David’s singing life in Brisbane began with stints in Mariachi bands and barbershop quartets. One day he wandered into the Queensland Conservatorium and his life changed forever. After graduating, David spent ten years touring the world with The Ten Tenors and more recently with Tenori, the group he co-founded with (you guessed it) Andrew. David also works as a concert producer and vocal coach and is a familiar face to Opera Queensland audiences. In his down time he enjoys a quiet beer or a round of golf with… Andrew.